Thursday, November 19, 2009

Field Trip

I forgot to mention, I got to go on a field trip with Glee's class to the California Science Center and Imax theatre. Lots of fun. In her class there are 8 kids, four boys and four girls. They are called the GATE cluster, higher achieving kids. The other 12 kids in her class are 2nd grade (she's 3rd). Those kids really are a different level than the other third graders. Very strange. They stick together too. One of the boys in her class, named Kevin, plays an online game called Maplestory. He told Glee about and now her, Thomas and I all have characters. She was playing the other day when a character came up to her and called her by her real name. It freaked me out a little. Here is my 8 year old playing an online game with a boy from her school, all virtually... and it was an amazing thing to me. Our technology is a major thing, it has really evolved. Computers barely existed when I was 8 and it wasn't until I was 16 that you could "go online." Here she is communicating with a school friend in the virtual world. It blows my mind. Just think what her life will be like if she is doing this at 8!

The Turtle

My whole family is visiting right now, they have been here almost a week and will be here through the weekend. It's been interesting. I wouldn't say fun (although there have been fun moments) and I wouldn't say good (although there have been some good moments), but I realized a lot about my family that I hadn't realized before and I am grateful for the lessons. I need to learn the lessons.

We went to the Aquarium of the Pacific and for a bunch of people from Colorado they sure weren't as impressed with ocean stuff and I think I would have been. I guess they are all just fish, but still. We stopped at one exhibit and they had a monitor above it showing what happens when sea life gets caught in fishing nets, sort of a promo for eating fish caught in a safe manner I guess. I got nervous, glancing over at Glee when they showed the dolphins stuck in the nets, but she didn't seem to notice. There were other animals trapped as well, and suddenly I felt a thump against my legs and waist and it was Thomas. My poor Thomas. He was weeping, because he saw a sea turtle stuck by the neck in the fishing net. He said he never wanted to see anything that horrible again in his whole life and he was crying, seriously. So I hugged him, a lot, and told him we had a responsibility as humans to take care of the animals in the world and maybe someday something he does will help save the sea turtles. He felt a little better, but still sad. So, when it came time to go he checked out the animals in the gift shop and got himself a little gray sea turtle he brought home to live with his turtle entourage. He named the little guy OJ (his name and Jr... you all know what I mean). It was really sweet, and OJ is now friends with Turtle, Little Hawaii, Little Sewy, Bill, Ben, Thomas, and Torbadice (he made that last one up all on his own...), along with a few others I don't know there names.

My sweet boy, my sweet sweet boy. This Friday is his turn to lead the craft at cub scouts. He wants to do leaf rubbings, so we will.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Title 1

Almost forgot... Thomas was recommended for Title 1. Another bunk situation. Title 1 is for kids who are not working up to the appropriate level in either reading or math. In the first week of school all kids are tested. Seems Thomas didn't count the way the teacher expects you to count. He had a pile of something he had to count and instead of counting them and moving them, he just counted them in the pile (lazy boy). He counted wrong. So now, the teacher, who sees his math papers come back every day 100% says he can't count and needs "intervention." The boy is doing 2nd grade addition now. Seriously. I know it's how schools make their money, I am on School Site Council, I know what Title 1 is... this is just stupid.


Guess who... yep, Thomas. I think it is bunk. He got detention on Friday for climbing up on a fence to check out the carnival that was being built over at the high school for homecoming that night. He and another boy were caught. They both served their detention today. I asked him how it happened and he said the noonaide, Mr. "O" blew his whistle, told the four boys who were at the fence to sit on the benches, he wrote out two slips and told two of the boys they got a second chance and gave two of the boys detention. The two who got away just weren't ON the fence at the time. LAME. I asked him if he knew it was wrong, and he said he knew, AFTER he got the detention slip. Can't they help the first graders out a little? This is the first year he is on this playground! So, I emailed the principal, saying I understood why, but could someone be a little more clear with the first graders what is allowed and what isn't (especially the first grade boys). She said she would talk to the teachers. Hmm. Then Glee has been having trouble with math, her strongest area last year. And I asked her teacher to explain what she expected and she basically said that Glee talks too much in class (and that is just not her, and she was moved today from a boy who talks... ALOT...) and that if she were paying attention she wouldn't have the problem she is having. I then explained I didn't understand the math, could she show me what she expected and I learned that in third grade they are learning to estimate... yes, to guess at the math. Here is a sample problem... "M" has 7 more than "Q." All total they have 43. How much does each have? And you are supposed to solve it by guessing. Let me outline it for you... 43-7=36... each has half of 36, with M having half + 7. Oh, and they don't know division yet, so they are supposed to "guess" the two numbers that are equal to each other that make up 36. Yes, guessing in math. It's madness. I taught Glee long division so she doesn't have to guess at her math. I know it was wrong, but she can do it, and seriously, guessing?

This year is turning out to be harder than I anticipated. Poor Thomas is trying to do the right things and ending up with wrong things, and poor Glee... she had a nightmare about a man with a crocodile head who wandered around school with other monsters and the croc man kept saying "I AM GOING TO EAT YOUUUUUU!!!!" We talked about how some dreams may have deeper meanings and she told me she had a sword in the dream and would scare croc man just by showing it to him. I asked her what she thought croc man was, and she said third grade (?!). So I told her the sword is her brain and she can use it to beat croc man any day! Poor girl... oh, but there were fairies in the dream too, who were like small children (preschool size) with dragonfly wings who have their own play area on the playground with fairy size equipment. Best dream ever she said.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

First and Third...

So, the odd years seem to be harder than the even years in school. Thomas, after 2 weeks of school, had 15 (yes, 15) pages of unfinished work, which, when he brought it home took him all of 20 minutes to finish. Attached to those pages was a note from the teacher that said he talks too much in class. I have had a couple of conversations with the teacher since then, and I think (oh man, I hope) things are getting better. He is completing a lot more of his work in class, and not spending every recess working on finishing his work. The thing is, he KNOWS this stuff, and the teacher even said he is a very bright student, he just spend a majority of his time listening to other kids talk (he told me "they say funny stuff!"). Focus has never been one of his strong points, and I am thinking this may hopefully just be a wrinkle that is working itself out. We have changed his morning diet from poptarts and yogurt to scrambled eggs and toast with cheese. More protein, less sugar. Also we have totally given up nintendo and tv during the week. They can play and watch on the weekends, but not during the school week, and so far (one week in) that is working out okay.

Glee also was having trouble in class, with math and she is still struggling with it a bit, but again, just a wrinkle, I hope... she has also taken up the clarinet and is learning music in school now. She is the only third grader playing anything other than the violin! Yes, all of her friends chose violin. When I explained that marching bands don't have string sections she took up clarinet. She's not too bad. She has figured out how to put the thing together, and how to blow without making a horrible screeching noise.

So, we are in full steam now. Girl Scouts is in the mix, and we are working on finding a Boy Scout Pack to join. We have checked out a couple but they aren't great fits (in one Thomas would be the ONLY tiger cub, and really, what fun is that?). Still looking... still here.

Friday, October 2, 2009

Thomas is 6 and 3 days...

So, for his birthday the man got to pick out anything in the world he wanted to do. After school we picked him (and Glee) up and came home for just a little homework (that has become an overwhelming but controllable problem already!)... then it was off to the Toyota Center for some ice skating and to Round Table Pizza after for dinner. He was totally happy and really enjoyed his day. The only bad part for him was he got two new nintendo games but he and Glee lost their nintendos for two weeks almost two weeks ago when it took them 10 hours (all day Saturday and part of Sunday) and their rooms still weren't clean. They aren't clean now, but I am more lenient with that than X is... so, needless to say, he has two brand new nintendo games and a gift card to Gamestop burning a hole in his pocket, and he can't play them, not yet.

Funny enough, they lost all tv, nintendo and computers on that fateful weekend and they have done surprisingly well going cold turkey. They play with each other a lot more, we have more family fun (playing Uno Attack has been really popular) and they are generally better behaved without all the electronics. Go figure.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Thomas has graduated...

While in first grade today my little boy told me he jumped and when he landed he felt a pressure go through his feet all the way to his gums and blasted his loose tooth right out! Luckily they found it and it came home in a cute little envelope with a smiley face missing a tooth. It has been loose for a while, and we were looking at it yesterday just waiting for it to fall out. I guess, like most boys, he had to blast it out. 5 days before his 6th birthday! You can see the new "grown up" teeth coming in right behind the baby teeth on the bottom, they have already pushed through the gums and right now his teeth look like shark teeth, two rows, one right behind the other.

Yesterday we picked up a clarinet for Glee. Yes, she will be learning clarinet. Thomas got a recorder because you can't take music classes until 3rd grade, but the music teacher said it would be good for him to practice on for now. All of Glee's friends (and I mean all the ones who are playing an instrument) chose violin. I don't know why. We talked about it and it came down to what instrument could you play if you wanted to march in the Armed Forces Day Parade next year, and pretty much any instrument except the violin. I am glad she chose the clarinet. It has a real soothing sound to me... and I don't know if I could have handled the flute, which was her other choice. She and Thomas did a performance for us last night (he played his recorder and she danced) and today I was treated to a parade through the house while they practiced marching and playing at the same time. Funny.

School is going okay. I am still not happy with the class Glee is in, but it just means more work for me, because I don't think you should be punished because you are smart. And I expect them to use what they have. Yes, there is a whole long story behind this that I just don't feel like typing right now. My throat is sore and I am a little chilled even though our house says it is 76 inside. Off to bed for me I think. Happy Friday tomorrow.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Fairy Tale

While watching the movie Fairy Tale, A True Story with Glee (she got it for her birthday) she turned around and whispered to me "mom? I think I know what happens when we die... we become fairies and live in the gardens forever..."

Have I said lately how much I love her? Okay, let me say it again, I love my baby girl.

Sunday, August 30, 2009

8 Days and Counting...

Yes, there are only 8 official days left in our summer. Let's recap...

Catalina was bliss. I can't think of a better way to describe it. We did see dolphins, going to Catalina and coming home. A great pod of dolphins frolicking through the ocean, jumping our wake. Amazing. We spent four days on the boat, with my cousin very generously taking us up to the beach whenever we asked him. Glee and Thomas were amazed by my young cousins and their bravado, one jumping from the very top of the boat into the ocean, and the other restricted to a lower jump because he possibly had a concussion from skateboarding earlier in the week. My aunt and uncle were very generous hosts... I know I owe them some money, and at least a dinner, but read on reader and you will see why we are sort of strapped... for money... that info to come.

So, yes, we all loved staying on the boat, staying up late playing Scrabble, waking up to the smell of the ocean and the gentle rocking of the waves. We kayaked, we swam (sort of, our children are spoiled with the warm pool across the street, and the ocean is coooooold). They almost swam with scuba gear (flippers and masks, they still don't have the hang of the breathing apparatus, and we have been practicing in the pool). We found shells and talked of mermaids and dolphins and buffalo. Really wonderful.

Then, last week we took the monsters to Sea World. It is the compromise for no birthday parties this year. They decided they would rather go to Sea World than have a party, and I found an amazing deal where we paid for adult tickets and got kid tickets free, saving us $110. Of course, add in parking and then all day food passes (which cost us almost $100, but were well worth it for the four meals we ate being there all day), and it would have been more economical to have birthday parties, but to sit with Glee as she watched the dolphin show, and to walk with Thomas throughout the park, and then to watch them be amazed at the things the sea mammals did, it was totally worth it. They both had a wonderful time and have decided to be the first sister/brother team of dolphin trainers at Sea World.

So... the real cost of the summer came when Snowray got sick. It was fleas, and here is an amazing piece of info for dog owners. Fleas can cause animals to have ear infections and partial paralysis. Yes, paralysis. Who would have know? About $800 in vet bills later we learned a few things. Fleas = bad news all around. The dogs bite, and their skin can get raw (no kidding, right), and that can lead to ear infections (?huh?) of which our dog had both ears infected, one majorly. She was put on a topical antibiotic (squirted in her ears) and an oral antibiotic, as well as super flea fighting pills, and given a steroid shot. Yep, this all happened the 2nd week of August.

And then, this week I go to the take the Mini in for service, and our service agreement expired in July. So, if I want to go ahead, this service would be about $800, and a follow up service next year, about $600, and rear brakes next year probably ($400)... are we up the $1500 yet? Yes, $1495 is how much it was to renew our warranty for three more years. So, we had to pay that. Good thing we bought the kids news shoes a few weeks ago.

So, there we go, our entire summer budget blown out the window. Ah well, it's only money, and we will recover, eventually. We always do. :)

So, now, the next couple of weeks I have to get the website for the school up to snuff, organize a flier for parent volunteers, and start to build the Edison Army. Our schools are in such dire need, our principal is asking for things like copy paper in all sorts of colors, and glue sticks, and white board markers, and ink for the office printers. There is going to be a list, that's for sure.

Hope the end of summer is exactly how you all want it to be. I am looking forward to Halloween (as always). This year we will have one beautiful eight year old mermaid, and Flash Jr., a creation similar to the superhero The Flash, but with a few modifications (I have plenty of yellow fabric and not quite enough red, so we make due...).

Tuesday, July 28, 2009


Off to the second day of the second week of swimming lessons today. The monsters swim from 9:45-10:20 every morning... and we are lucky enough to have a neighbor with an in ground pool so we reinforce swimming lessons a couple of times a week in their pool. Glee's hair is as green as any respectable mermaid and Thomas is trying, but still doesn't like his head under water! He's getting there, jumping off the edge yesterday.

I get to do a little reading while they swim in the morning. And we have been heading to the library a couple of times a week to stock up on Rainbow Fairy books and Bionicles and Captain Underpants and Robotech movies that they watch with X. Wow, who knew the library would have so much cool stuff? I have a couple of books out now for fun, one knitting book and a couple of reading books. I read Odd Girl Out about girl aggression and bullying. That should come in handy for girl scouts next year.

We had an amazing time in Colorado. Glee bathed 5 puppies one day, and spent a lot of time playing with them and kissing them. I held my new niece who was the shining star of perfection. She's lovely and reminds me of all the reasons I don't want to have another baby. I spent a lot of time talking to my youngest brother, helping him figure things out and mature a little (I hope). I spent an evening or two gazing at the milky way, out on the deck, as a cool evening breeze blew by and cooled the temps down to the high 70's. We even got to go to a wedding reception that was unlike any event I have ever attended in my entire life. The groom, my brother's friend, is 27, his new bride, 43. She has five kids ranging in age from 18-25. It was a real interesting event... and reaffirmed my hillbilly roots. Scary.

Now we are looking forward to this weekend spent on my aunt and uncle's time share boat, cruising out to Catalina and hopefully seeing dolphins along the way. Glee is convinced the mermaids will sing to us at some point. I wonder how I could make that happen...

Summer, in full swing, is really nice. I have lots of work to do for PTA before school starts, and that kinda sucks, and also organizing stuff for girl scouts next year. Thomas will be old enough for cub scouts, and I want to make sure he has that opportunity. So much for volunteering. I am hoping to actually get some more paying jobs (and forcing myself to make time to do those jobs) since everyone in our house will be gone from at least 8:30am until at least 3pm everyday (except me, who will be trying to drum up business!).

Hope your summer is peachy too!

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Antibiotics and Meltdowns

So, here we are, third week of summer, which is ended with the 4th of July. When I was young, in elementary school, the 4th of July always felt like the middle of summer to me, when I was finally able to sleep in and not wake with a start, when I could lay under the tree in the front yard and read to my heart's content. 4th of July brought watermelon and fireworks that we bought at the stand in the parking lot of Food's Co. at the corner of Crenshaw and Artesia. By this point in the year summer was full swing, we stayed up late and wore the same clothes for days on end.

My kids, they are both sick. We are finishing a round of antibiotics this Thursday, Glee with Strep throat and Thomas with sinus infection. Both are still coughing, both still LOOK sick... I am trying to kick the cold that I got handed last in the family. X had it last week, took him out of work for a day. Both kids had it through the end of school and it seems to be lingering. Couple that with serious June gloom that leaves our house chilly enough during the morning to lounge on the couch covered in blankets until almost noon and, well, heck, it just doesn't feel like summer to me.

There was a good indication last night that we are in the midst of summer though. We spent about 4 hours yesterday cleaning out Glee's room and rearranging it to her specifications. We threw out four bags of trash (school papers and scraps she had brought home). So, rearranged and clean, she doesn't want to sleep in there because "it doesn't feel like my room anymore, and I am scared to sleep in there..." translated, after talking for about an hour to "I miss school, my friends and my teacher and things aren't the way I am used to..." so today we will play school. Well, they will play school while I clean and rearrange Thomas' room. Yes, play school. They will have work to do, then they will eat in the cafeteria (aka the backyard), have a recess, then more work. Glee will work on reading and 3rd grade math. Thomas on his printing and 1st grade math. Thank the heavens for the internet where I can print all the homework the world would ever want.

My aunt thought it was funny my kids were sad and cried when school was over. She said her three boys NEVER were sad when school was over. I am glad my kids love school that much. I hope it lasts.

Time for more coffee and some vitamins... and breakfast. Happy 4th if you don't hear from me before that.

Friday, June 19, 2009

As Alice Cooper says... "school's out for summer!!!"

...but not forever. Thanks the heavens. Already I have had to lay out the rules... everyone shares, everyone gets a turn, we have to take turns, geez, didn't you guys have to take turns in school? Whew...

So, on this first official day of summer 2009 (well from school... solstice isn't until Sunday), Thomas was up at 6:15am (and I had to wake him at 7am for school yesterday) and sent back to bed until 7:10am. Glee slept in until 7:45am. We went for donuts (them in their jammies... I got dressed, and good thing because we saw someone we know!). They are watching a movie, playing nintendo and play-do all at once. We will head to McDonald's for lunch, to my aunt's house for a hi8 player (hopefully) and home for more movies, snacks and general lazing around. Starting Monday we will get up in the morning and take our poor neglected dog for a walk, every day. That is my goal and I know Glee will hold me to it.

So, I know you all want to know... we almost sold out on yearbooks. We sold all but 23. I ordered 400, 50 more than last year, but they were cheaper than last year (almost half price) and I got a lot of good feedback. Maybe next year I will have more people taking pictures.

As for end of year grades, both kids are sent to the next grade, so now we have a 3rd grader and 1st grader. Glee got all perfect marks on her report card, and I have to say, she is headed for good grades in 3rd. Her report card had one v+ and all the rest e's. On the whole thing, one v+ at the beginning of the year, in the equivalent of penmanship. "V+" is "very good" which is above the level she needed to be at to complete the grade. "E" is excellent, which is pretty much performing at the next grade level. She loved loved loved her teacher, and I really liked her too. She was a kind a generous teacher, just the sort one would hope for their child. She will be teaching 1st next year and with luck Thomas will get her. I know he would do well in her class.

Thomas has room for improvement on his report card. That's good. His small motor skills (scissors, coloring, writing) need work, and we will work this summer. I have to say, as bad as his penmanship is, it is almost exactly like his kindergarten teacher's writing, so he did a great job learning from her, she just has horrible writing! He is advanced in reading, reading at or above 1st grade level, which I am super happy with. She did say he doesn't use manipulatives for math (that is big language for counting with your fingers) but I see him count that way all the time, so maybe she just didn't see him do it. He does simple addition and subtraction which is the math the will start to learn in 1st.

Glee was okay with school ending, a little sad but okay. Thomas had a harder time and I wasn't expecting that. He didn't want me to leave him, wanted to stay for the day. Poor guy, but heck, the day was only three hours long, and he recovered okay when he realized it would just be a whole lot of recess!

So, now we are on to summer. We will be heading to Colorado for 5 days in July, and swimming lessons, but that's all the organizing I have done. I am sure we will have friends over to play, museums to visit, and libraries to go to to participate in summer reading programs. I also seem to have a little bit of work coming my way. I bought some home use equipment so I can transfer video tape (vhs and hi8 for sure), and a friend may be making a family history book (she has been talking about it for a couple of years now). It should be good! Happy summer to you all...

Thursday, June 4, 2009


Today, as I set here squinting at the computer because the sun is shining in so brightly I have to do that to see, when yesterday at this time it was raining, and thundering and flashing bright with lightning, something we never get to see here! I loved it, although I hear a person was killed in Fontana just walking down a street when they got hit by lightning and then over at our local little league field the talk was all about canceling games because of a lightning strike that hit the transformer. Oh, and the benches there are all metal... would have been amusing I think!

So, we are wrapping up this year, slowly but surely. I finished the school yearbook and will be selling those next week after school every day until the 17th. Multicultural Fair and Week was a success, barring the one mom who complained to the principal because we had the JROTC ARMED drill team perform and she wanted to know what happened to the zero tolerance policy regarding weapons on campus (they flip rifles, fake wooden rifles). Someone always has something to complain about... I finished the invites for the 5th Grade Parent Volunteer Appreciation thingy that was dropped on my head because I offered to take over Volunteer Coordinator for school. Then there is the PTA Installation dinner next Thursday, the PTA Volunteer Appreciation Brunch tomorrow morning (put on by the teachers, don't want to miss a free meal from the teachers!), and our last Brownie Outing at ArtZone on 6/17. Whew. Where did that year go?

So... what are your plans for summer? I ask out loud to all three or four of you here. Anyone know any good museums (Toni?)? I am going to look for a list of "free days" at local museums and take the kids for some education... maybe we will see some real art, or marble statues, or something as interesting. Thought anyone?

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Growing Pains and randomness

Okay, I am growing... I hope. Glee didn't make it into GATE this year. It's okay, it's just that I am mad that someone did make it in who I don't think has the wisdom Glee has, and that is where I am growing. Because the GATE program is for intelligence, not wisdom. I have to get there. Also, the other person who got in is more than a year older than Glee. She will be 9 this year. In 2nd Grade...

So, we are wrapping up this year of school. I think it has been a great success for the kids, but I kind of feel I frittered it away. I really should have been working more, on photos, on generating business. Instead I learned to knit, and now I can make socks, so our feet will never be cold, even if our bellies are growling. I need to refocus, and try to work more.

I have been thinking of going back to school, maybe to get a masters in English, then a Phd. I want to teach college I think. I think I would be good at it. I would love to teach film, but I think I would be happy teaching locally, and we have a good community college nearby, and they don't have a film department. OH! Maybe I can start one... dreaming is free, right?

We get out of school on June 18th. The first day of summer vacation we are going to lay around in our jammies, eat snacks and watch movies we get from the library. We will be going to Colorado, just the kids and I, for a week in July to meet my new niece who was born on 5/24. We also will go to the beach, take swimming lessons at the local pool, and learn to do macrame. It is a summer of fun and excitement!

Monday, May 4, 2009

Things and... well... things.

Last night we were playing Jenga and Thomas and I were a team. We won the first game and Thomas leans back and says "I love the taste of victory... with GUACAMOLE!!!" and laughed maniacally. It's okay, we lost the next one... and it was Glee and X's turn to gloat.

Last Monday we were driving home from dance when Glee asked this question... if an astronaut took a jar out into space, collected the “air” of space in the jar and put the lid on, what would happen to the “air” if it was let out on earth? Would the jar hold it okay?

I thought it was a great question, and I didn't know how to answer it, so what did I do? I contacted NASA of course. Thank the heavens for the internet. We actually got a response! And, not just a response, it actually went through three people... pretty dang cool I think.

From: JSC-HSF-Web-Mail
Sent: Tuesday, April 28, 2009 9:48 AM
To: JSC-Information-Services-Center
Subject: FW: A question about space...

Would you be able to help this user?


From: JSC-Information-Services-Center
Sent: Tuesday, April 28, 2009 10:07 AM
Subject: FW: A question about space...

Mike can someone answer this question?


Hi Glee,

This is a very good and thoughtful question.

Air refers to an atmosphere which can only exist around a semi-massive object in space that has both enough mass to have forceful gravity, and a magnetic field of sorts to shield the solar wind from stripping the atmosphere (air) away. Since there really is no air in open outer space, an astronaut’s space suit is equipped with air to allow him or her to breathe while performing a space walk. The space suit is actually designed to protect the astronaut from the extreme cold and extreme hot temperatures in space (depending on where he or she is in relation to the sun). The suit also protects from the tiny micrometeorites that are moving at 17,500 mph and would be very dangerous.

Thanks for your continued interest in the NASA space program.


Gloria Sanchez
Information Services Center Specialist
NASA Johnson Space Center
Bldg. 423 / AP32 / JIMMS
2101 NASA Parkway
Houston, TX 77058
gloria.j.sanchez at

There you go... your government dollars at work.

The last thing I want to mention is sort of hard for me to write about. A couple of weeks ago there was an incident at school between Thomas and one of his friends and it left a really bad taste in my mouth. Well, the incident didn't but the way the other parent handled things did. I just want to say here that overall my kids are great kids, and of all the kids I know (and I only know my two completely) I have to say my kids are the most thoughtful and least likely to do something they know is wrong. I am not saying that boastfully, but more in a statement of fact kind of way. I have friends whose kids you KNOW will be the ones lying about something, or the ones to hurt someone on purpose. My kids are NOT those kids, and I think it is just because of who they are. So when this mom comes to me to say that Thomas did something to her son, and it was intentional, and cruel, I am having a hard time dealing with her about this. Thomas, for one, idolizes her son (which is another thing I have a problem with because he is one of the most disrespectful people I have ever met). When I asked Thomas about this incident he said the other boy asked him to do what he did, and he thought it would be funny. The other mom didn't even ask Thomas' side of the story, and then went to the teacher and got her involved. The teacher also didn't get the whole story. My main problem is that these two ADULTS got involved in a way they shouldn't have. Of course, we should keep people safe, but really, if one kid is egging on another kid, and the kid does what the first asked, why is only one in trouble? I guess I am worried because I feel like I may be blaming the "victim" but if he asked someone to do that to him, shouldn't he have been in equal trouble?

Okay, I feel better getting that out. Thanks.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Leg pits and Belly holes

Thomas is going to be something someday... not quite sure if he's headed in the direction of a spectacular scientist or a serial killer. He told me today in the bath he was washing his "belly hole." Yes, that's what he calls his belly button. And the space on the back of your legs, behind your knees? Those are leg pits, just like armpits. It's logical, but kinda creepy.

So, we have planted our first seeds of the season... by next weekend we should know if they took or if they were burned up in the freak April heatwave of '09. It was 96 here yesterday at 3pm. Cooler today... but still. By the beginning of next week we will be back in the 60's with a chance of rain. Ha. We will see. Oh, and those rumors of global warming? I think they might be true...

I had a dream the other night I built a very useful clothesline in the backyard. In my ongoing attempts at saving money I may just do it... I heard from my cousin Aurora that there is nothing nicer than a line dried towel... although I wonder about the crispy-ness (not crispness) of those...

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

I forgot...

Just wanted to mention that I got a call from my aunt the day before we left on vacation because she was out of town and my grandmother had fallen and she wanted me to go and make an assessment about whether she should come home or not. Yes, drop everything and go check on grandma. Needless to say, I didn't make it, and I haven't heard from her since that day, although my mom checked on grandma and she is back at the nursing home and okay... and I have to say the more things change, the more they stay the same...

Vacations, ERs and Courtrooms

Wow, doesn't that title just make you want to read this! It sounds almost like a weird episode of Law & Order or something...

So, we made it to Colorado this year for vacation, Spring Break. We can't just go when we feel like it anymore, we have to kind of follow the school schedules. We knew this would happen, and we only have another 18 YEARS of it... oh well.

We had a great time in Colorado. We went to the snow, about a 45 minute drive through beautiful scenic Colorado, up part way to the top of Grand Mesa. We played in snow that had to be 8 feet deep. It lasted all of about 30 minutes until we heard the cries of "I'm cold!" and "My feet hurt!" This time we had my brother, future sis-in-law and future step-niece with us. They are much more used to snow, but still, it didn't last long. We did sled down a hill a few times, made snow angels, and licked icicles, so it was all around a perfect trip to the snow I think.

We also helped my dad clean out an old trailer on his property, well, we started anyway. There were years and years worth of junk, but we did find some treasure, including a bunch of cool books and two sets of spirographs! The old trailer will be slowly emptied, then dumped into a giant burn pit that was dug while we were there, and burned to bits. Too bad we won't be there for that, I do love a good bonfire.

We collected all of my old Nancy Drew books, and a huge set of Choose Your Own Adventure books, which Glee has started to devour. Those will be coming home with our luggage in the next couple of days because we Fed-ex'd it home.

Glee was also happy because we picked up chicks (12 for one of my aunts, 8 for grandpa and we got turkens, three. No typo there, they are turkey/chicken hybrids... kind of like mutants, so they are named Wolverine, Storm and Gambit). Glee made a list of directions for my aunt, who has had chickens a number of times. Once I upload my photos I will post the list. It was very cute, especially the line where she says they need to be cuddled everyday. My aunt will roll over laughing about that one.

So, in the middle of vacation my mom had serious flu that lasted about three days. Then my future step-niece got it (she's 2) and it lasted a day... then Thomas got it. He threw up all day Saturday, and was a little better on Sunday, which is when we flew home. He slept A LOT on Saturday, and was groggy on Sunday... then we come to the next part of our story... the Emergency Room at Torrance Memorial.

So, we get home Sunday about 6:30pm. Thomas, still sick, not eating, and hadn't eaten anything really (part of a banana and 2 saltines) since Friday, went to bed. About 9pm I hear him talking, and go up to see him. He's delirious. He has a fever, he's talking about his feet and we can't quite get him all the way awake. So, I make an executive decision to go to the ER. So, we get there about 9:45pm. We wait until about 11:30pm when they put us back in a bed. In the ER there were lots of people, most of them throwing up. Gross. So, he is checked by a doctor who says he seems dehydrated and they can do one of two things... either he gets a pill which will help him rehydrate over the next 12 hours, during which I need to keep giving him sips of juice and water, but not too much because then he will throw up more, or they do IV fluids. Then she checked his ears, and he had a double ear infection as well. When I told her he was coughing, she sent him for a chest x-ray to rule out pneumonia... which he didn't have (thank the heavens!). So, they start the iv about midnight. It took a whole bag of slow drip, and we got home about 3:30am. I had been up since about 8am, well, we got up at 6:30am to see what the Easter Bunny left, then went back to sleep... but I hadn't really slept well for two days because I was worried about Thomas!

So, he's much better... not 100% but at least 70%. We took him to his doctor yesterday for follow up and the doc said his ear infections were pretty bad, but they didn't hurt him any. Good thing, that would have been a nightmare on the airplanes. I feel like I could sleep for a hundred years and it wouldn't be enough. I know as soon as he is 100% I will get the flu... it's how things always work...

Oh, and that brings me to today, the end of my story. I took Thomas with me to get a trial date to fight a traffic ticket, and I have to say, there are some dumb people in the world, and I think most of them end up in traffic court. Man.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Time flies... stops... then flies again

So, it has been a while... let's see, how about a family update first, youngest to oldest?

Thomas is doing really great in kindergarten. He has to work on small motor skills, which means he has bad printing. That's okay, we are working on it. He is reading at an end of kindergarten level, which is great. He loves to read Captain Underpants books. Not my cup of tea, really full of potty humor, but it is greatly amusing to someone who is 5, so there you go. He is submitting his first ever science fair project on 3/26. It's entitled "How do airplanes fly?" and it is really pretty interesting. Next time any of you see him you should ask him about it.

Glee is the top student in her class. Her teacher refers to her as the student teacher. Glee has decided she wants to be a teacher when she grows up, which I think would be perfect for her, but it's a little young to make permanent choices like that I think. She did a biography on Eleanor Roosevelt for her class and we learned a lot. She made a newspaper to hand out to her classmates because Eleanor Roosevelt wrote a newspaper article a week for almost her entire life. Glee will be doing science fair this year too, and we are in the process of growing crystals in four different places in our house. Sugar and salt crystals... the sugar ones are yummy... the salt not so much.

X just endured a program shift at Work which has him working more hours, which is great, but there's lots of complaining about the changes. At least no one has been laid off... he is signing up for summer hockey soon.

I'm still the troop leader for our brownie troop (and man, will I be glad when cookies are done!). I am also building the yearbook for the school, helping with multicultural fair, and help in the kids classes when the teachers need it. I started going to a womens' business networking group and I have made some great contacts. I also found a guy who will transfer vhs tape for me, so that will be something new I am adding.

In family news, my grandpa died last month. He was 93, and only really sick for a week or so before he passed on. It brought my mom, dad, brother and his girlfriend out, and I got in touch with some other family I hadn't seen in a long time (a couple I had never met). That was stressful, and I feel I lost a lot of February and part of March. There was lots of expectations put on me that I didn't think I would have to deal with, but got them all the same. I survived going back to the hospital where my MIL was, before she was sent home to the end of her life. My grandpa died in that hospital. It was hard to walk in those doors, but I really wanted to be there for my mom, and I hope I did a good job as her daughter. I am happy with what I did.

So, a short recap, but let me say this, on this of all days, thank you to my wonderful and amazing best friend and husband. He has been there for me through so much, and he still sits, listens, and weighs in even when it is about stuff as minute as PTA drama. He has been the other half of my soul since 1986, and I am one lucky person to be able to say I know him. Thanks. I love you...

Monday, February 2, 2009

Progress Reports and Girl Scout Cookies

Okay, first things first. We do have cookies for sale. I know you all who read this. If you are interested, email me. Glee will be sending out an email later this week to hit you up.

That being said... we got progress reports last week. Thomas needs to work on using his class time in a more appropriate fashion (as in doing his school work instead of amusing his peers). I see a future class clown/most popular funny guy in his future. He can write all of his letters upper and lower case, and all of his numbers, but some of those things are backwards, and that is all due to a minimum amount of attention being paid to what he is doing. We now practice a page of letters and numbers every day along with other homework.

Glee's report was glowing, just as I thought. Her teacher marked that she is working beyond her level. Glee led a group the other day, teaching them about borrowing and carrying over in math. She has told me more than once that she would like to be a teacher someday. She would be a fantastic teacher (and I read today that Dr. Jill Biden, who teaches at a Virginia Community college gets paid somewhere around $1000 per credit hour of teaching. Nice paycheck for a teacher!).

Tomorrow I go in for a meeting to discuss an IEP for Glee for speech. Back in kindergarten we had her assessed for speech because she had serious r and s lisps. Those are mostly gone now, and I am pretty sure this is just a formality to show follow through on the part of the speech teacher. So I will go and see what they have to say.

Otherwise things go. I am knitting a pullover sweater for Thomas. I have finished a lap afghan for Glee and I am finishing a baby blanket for my brother and his girlfriend, due in May. She is having a girl, one more niece to add to the mix!

Monday, January 19, 2009

We are going to a party...

I am taking my kids out of school tomorrow for the inauguration. We are going to the Nokia Theatre where the local tv news is sponsoring a showing of the festivities, all on jumbotron (or whatever they call the giant tvs now!). Glee was a little worried that now she won't get a perfect attendance award, but personally, I find those to be overrated anyway!

It's so important to me to have my kids be a part of this history, and to see the excitement in people. It's a new day, that's for sure. I'll put photos up at flickr after the event.

Glee is testing for GATE on Feb. 21st. It stands for Gifted and Talented something or other... and if she makes it in, she will just have more learning opportunities, which is what I am all about. You have to be in 2nd grade or higher for it.

Thomas on the other hand has amazed me lately. The reading bug has really kicked in for him, big time. Also, he was listening to some music the other day and he said "you don't always get what you want, but sometimes you get what you need." I told him it was the Rolling Stones, and today he remembered. He also remember Oasis as the band that sings Champagne Supernova. He's got quite the musical ear, I tell you!

I also redesigned my business website. Spent a good chunk of today working on that.

Oh, we got a dog! We got her from LA County/Harbor Animal Rescue. Her name is Snowray... she's sweet. She's an Akita/Husky mix, with eyes so light blue they are practically white. We are working on walking, staying, and not digging under the fence to escape and roam the neighborhood. I didn't realize how stressful it would be to add a dog into our family, but now it's working out.