Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Republican women

This has really been bugging me. Why on earth do the republicans think that just because Sarah Palin is a woman it means women will vote for her? Did people vote for Hillary JUST because she was a woman or was there something else, like, maybe, you had the same views as she did on some key matters. I will say this now, I did NOT vote for Hillary because a key issue for me is gun control and she is (apparently) very soft on gun control.

So, Sarah Palin, who is a creationist, anti-choice, governor for not even 2 years, and women should just be happy she is breaking in? She's cashing in on the 18 million cracks? Man, it just bugs me that there are people who will vote for someone based on their sex, race, or any other reason that the candidate didn't have any say in. Seriously, how stupid do the republicans think we are? I think I am even more appalled because of two different views I have been exposed to recently. Two different men whose opinions I have come across really disturb me. The first one that bugged me was a guy who said a woman couldn't be president because women don't have the ability to say when someone should die. Women are "life-givers" and therefore would not be able to sign an execution warrant, or hire a hit man, or pull the trigger to kill someone, or decide where our military should go to kill people. Hmm. The other said that people should vote for Palin because "she's hot." By that he meant that she had every bit as much experience as Barack Obama (despite the fact that she still lists PTA as one of her volunteer positions) and she is all for being a car carrying member of the NRA and getting whatever she can for her constituents in the way of tax rebates while ignoring the environment. Okay, I can see why we should put our country in her hands.

Enough politics. I just had to get that off my chest. Chuck E. Cheese was a HIT, and it was empty (LA County schools back in session today!). Park afterwards for a little, home to popsicles and then I treated the munchkins to a spa treatment (shower and then bubble bath!). Thomas is sleeping off his spa high and Glee is building zoos in Zoo Tycoon. It's off to Souplantation for dinner (Lemon Chicken Orzo Soup!) and early bedtime in anticipation of the next best thing to Christmas for moms stuck at home... first day of school!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

On the upside though, I am thinking about joining the PTA now just so that I can keep my hope of becoming president alive.