Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Section 60

"he was the first to buried there three years ago... now five more rows stretch beyond him." This was on the Today show, talking about Arlington National Cemetery and Veteran's Day. His first name was Nicholas and he was born around when I graduated from high school. It was sad, to see all those moms out there mourning their sons. I am so sorry for their losses. I appreciate what their sons did. I am really anti-war, and I have been against this whole middle east thing for as long as it has been going on. I am naive to think we could just ignore any of it, but I feel like there should be a better way. Someday I will take my kids to Arlington, to see the National Cemetery. They said 1800 men were the first buried there, after the Civil War, in one mass grave, in the rose garden.

Thank you veterans, and even though I am a card carrying liberal, and what most of you would call bleeding heart, I appreciate your service and I am grateful to you for keeping our country safe.

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