Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Last Day of Summer 2008

Wow, so school starts tomorrow. Thomas will be in kindergarten, with the same teacher Glee had for kindergarten. Glee's teacher will be posted this afternoon, after the office closes, so they won't have to deal with any parents who don't like the teacher their kid got.

Today I am taking the kids to Chuck E Cheese. They don't know this yet, which makes it sort of an exciting secret I have for a little while. Thomas is helping himself to a yogurt right now and asked if I would make him an English Muffin for breakfast. I hear Glee upstairs, getting dressed, probably brushing her teeth because she is good like that.

How did I ever get such KIDS? I wonder it now, when I look at them and they can do so much for themselves. It won't be long before they don't really need us for anything. I wonder if I will always walk them to school. I imagine I always will to elementary, I mean it's a walk to the corner basically. I guess I wil always be needed for somethings, which is kind of a nice thought.

So, our Brownie troop has lost two members, and gained a couple in return. I guess it's bound to happen. I also am soccer mom to the Tigers (Glee's team). The Wild Dogs' (Thomas' team) soccer mom is the coach's wife. The first soccer games of the season start this Saturday, Tigers 10am, Wild Dogs 10:15am. I offered to do my duty as a parent and work in the snack bar on behalf of the Wild Dogs. I will probably be in charge of it for the Tigers too. Oh yeah, and didn't I say I was going to get back to work on my business? I will, really, it is one of my goals for this year.

I think my kids think I am super happy they are going back to school, but I am a little sad. I am going to miss them, more than they know. Sure, the freedom thing will be nice, but I won't have anyone to go anywhere with for the year, and sometimes the quiet is really too loud. I know they will be getting their top notch grade school education, but it's still strange to think they will be spending more time with strangers now than with their parents. Just think what I will be like when they go off to college (man, that's only 10 years away for Glee and 13 for Thomas!).

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