Tuesday, August 26, 2008


I turned 41. Yep, I am officially middle aged, but that is not what I intend to write about today. Today I was remembering this slumber party I went to when I was 12 (I think). My friends Chris and Valerie were there too, but I can't remember whose party it was. There was a Ouija board, almost always at the slumber parties we had a Ouija Board. At Chrissy G's 12th birthday/slumber party we asked the Ouija Board for Rick Springfield's phone number and we got the number to a bar in Dallas TX. I can imagine Chrissy explaining that call to her parents. It was waaaaay before the internet, so there was no predatory action going on. Anyway, I always had pretty good luck with Ouija Boards. I don't know who was directing me, but we got some pretty good answers to our questions. This one slumber party, with Chris and Valerie, the three of us were using the Ouija Board. I asked "what will we be when we grow up?" The answer: secdertary, producerq and layer. Now, I thought that was going to be one each, and I was going to be a producer. A movie producer, right? Well, I have been thinking about this answer lately, and I think they were answers for me. I have been a secretary, probably the most lucrative way to pay for college. I could be a producer, I think I have the skills, and it's really all about who you know, but I also have been thinking of going back to school to study law. I think I would make a good lawyer. I like to argue. I like to win arguments. So, there you go. Midlife crisis, okay, maybe.

So, the other thing I wanted to mention was I read The Lovely Bones. It's an amazing book. I would reccomend it to everyone I know. It's sort of sad, in a very winsome sort of way. I really loved it. I also read Twilight, the teen vampire novel. X borrowed the next book for me from a friend of his, but I am just not into it. Twilight left me sort of mad, it is just way too sappy for my taste, and the next one isn't promising to be much better. I'll give it another couple of chapters before I throw in the towel.

Last bit of new, I joined a knitting club. They meet locally on Sundays and Wednesdays, though I have never gone to a Wednesday get together. There is one happening tomorrow, at a coffee shop I really like, so I might go, before the madness of school starts. On Thursday we get to find out Thomas' kindergarten teacher. I am excited for him, but I am nervous. This summer he has really had a hard time focusing and paying attention. I am hoping it's a growth spurt or something. Glee has a mermaid/fairy tea party planned for Saturday night. I think I might have them both sit down tomorrow and do some school work, some math pages and write their letters and such. I also have a couple of gifts to send out, to a couple of friends for belated birthdays and congratulations on new jobs (E and C!), my nieces Hannah Montana themed gifts, and get a couple of things to send to Aurora... oh, and grocery store, and what the heck I think I will take the kids to the coffee shop for breakfast... finish out the lazy days of summer.

1 comment:

Vadergirl said...

Yea!! Presents! Though not much of a surprise anymore since you mentioned it in an email...I can't wait to see it. You are awesome! I, too, think you would be a great lawyer!! And it is NEVER too late to go to school.