Tuesday, October 7, 2008


When Thomas was little we took a class called "toddler time" where he got to sing songs like Little Red Caboose (chug chug chug) and Where is Thumbkin. Today I was talking with X and Glee and I remembered when we learned the Thumbkin song, and how Thomas couldn't pronounce Thumbkin. His "th" sounded like "f", and, well, you get the gist. We got him to say all sorts of things, but my favorite was hearing a three year old boy say "I want a funkin tattoo RIGHT NOW!" Every time we had him say it to a grown up we would get looks, and then laughs (if they knew us... and sometimes when we were out at restaurants or in the mall and had him say thumbkin, we just got the looks).

He now pronounces Thumbkin just like you are supposed to. My baby is growing up...


Vadergirl said...

HA! Funny thing...I was just telling someone about that the other day! Good times!!!

Unknown said...

So was I! I remember cracking up uncontrollably when he would do that.

Jill393 said...

It sure does make you think differently of the thumbkin song, doesn't it? :)